Additive Manufacturing in Construction

Focus Area A

Focus Area A ‘Materials and Processes’ centres on the investigation of basic principles for the development from scratch of unique AMC processes for concrete, steel, and timber. As mentioned above, the innovation potential of the proposal is based primarily on the merging of material and process developments produced in interdisciplinary research teams.
Based on the state of research and the results of preliminary research projects carried out by the applicants, two groups of additive manufacturing technologies are considered promising for implementation in construction: (1) particle-bed 3D printing techniques and (2) deposition 3D printing techniques.

Particle-bed 3D printing techniques include selective cement activation (SCA) (A01) and selective paste intrusion (SPI) (A02) for concrete, as well as selective laser melting (SLM) (A06) for steel and individual layer fabrication (A08) for timber. Among the deposition techniques, extrusion 3D printing (A03) and shotcrete 3D printing (SC3DP) (A04) for concrete, as well as wire and arc additive manufacturing (WAAM) (A07) for steel are considered.

Project A 01

Approach Visuals Figure 2: 3D printing of prismatic specimens for bending tensile and compressive strength / Credit: Dreßler, iBMB TU Braunschweig Figure 3: De-powdering of a printed column / Credit:…

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Arno Kwade Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dirk Lowke
M. Sc. Evelien Dorresteijn M. Sc. Friedrich Herding M. Sc. Niklas Meier Dr.-Ing. Harald Zetzener
Project A 02

Figure 1: Production cycle of SPI with WAAM reinforcement: I) application of the WAAM reinforcement, II) spreading of the next aggregate layer, III) intrusion of the cement paste in the target layer,…

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christoph Gehlen Prof. Dr.-Ing. Arno Kwade Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael F. Zäh
M. Sc. Siegfried Bähr M. Sc. Leigh Duncan Hamilton Dr.-Ing. Thomas Kränkel M. Sc. Felix Riegger M. Sc. Alexander Straßer Dr.-Ing. Harald Zetzener
Project A 03

Networking with other projects Poster TRR277_A03_230601_TP_Poster_FP1 TRR277_A03_230601_TP_Poster_FP2 Extrusion of Near-Nozzle Mixed Concrete –Individually Graded in Density and in Rate of 3D Fibre Re…

PhD M.Sc. Freek Bos Prof. Dr.-Ing. Johannes Fottner Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christoph Gehlen
M. Sc. Maximilian Dahlenburg M. Sc. Maximilian Hechtl Dr.-Ing. Thomas Kränkel
Project A 04

Networking with other projects Poster TRR277_A04_Poster_1-DFG-Begutachtung TRR277_A04_Poster_2-DFG-Begutachtung Integrated Additive Manufacturing Processes for Reinforced Shotcrete 3D Printing (SC3DP)…

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Dröder Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harald Kloft Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dirk Lowke
Dr.-Ing. Abtin Baghdadi M. Sc. David Böhler M. Sc. Martin David M. Sc. Robin Dörrie M. Sc. Niklas Freund M. Sc. Anna Marie Opolka M. Sc. Jennifer Rudolph
Project A 05

Half-covered real-scale case study for the combination of Core Winding Reinforcement and Shotcrete 3D Printing. The reinforcement layout was derived from principle stress analysis (overlay on the left…

Prof. Dr. sc. ETH Zurich Dipl. Ing. M.A. AA Norman Hack Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Hühne
MAS ETH, M.Sc. Architecture Fatemeh Amiri M. Sc. Stefan Gantner M. Sc. Tom Rothe
Project A 06

Shape-optimized tensegrity node manufactured by PBF-LB/M (vibratory ground and polished) Shape-optimized tensegrity node manufactured by PBF-LB/M (as-built with support structure) Typical microstructu…

Dr.-Ing. Christina Radlbeck Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael F. Zäh
M. Sc. Siegfried Bähr M. Sc. Jakob Blankenhagen M. Sc. Dorina Siebert M. Sc. David L. Wenzler
Project A 07

Node with minimum wall thickness and restricted overhang as constraints for topology optimisation using self-organising systems Anchorage structure produced by WAAM Thin-walled structure with one-side…

Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jonas Hensel Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harald Kloft Dr.-Ing. Julian Unglaub
Dr. Kevin Höfer M. Sc. Hendrik Jahns M. Sc. Florian Jurke Dr.-Ing. Lukas Ledderose M. Sc. Marc Müggenburg
Project A 08 (completed)

Networking with other projects Poster TRR277_A08_Poster_1-DFG-Begutachtung Structural Timber by Individual Layer Fabrication (ILF) In project A08 a novel fabrication process named ‘individual layer fa…

Dr. rer. nat. Frauke Bunzel Dr.-Ing. Klaudius Henke
M. Sc. Carsten Aßhoff M. Sc. Birger Buschmann M. Sc. Daniel Talke

Project A 09

Networking with other projects Poster TRR277_A09_230503_Poster FP2_Begutachtung_Vorlage-PRINTED Injection 3D Concrete Printing (I3DCP) – Material Efficient Lightweight Reinforced Concrete Structures B…

Prof. Dr. sc. ETH Zurich Dipl. Ing. M.A. AA Norman Hack Prof. Dr.-Ing. Inka Mai
M. Sc. Yinan Xiao M. Sc. Jan-Phillip Zöllner

Project A 10

Networking with other projects Poster TRR277_A10_Poster_1-DFG-Begutachtung     Earth Additive Manufacturing (EAM) – Material and Process Combinations for AM with Earth-based Materials In rec…

Prof. Dr. sc. ETH Kathrin Dörfler Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harald Kloft Prof. Dr. (PhD) Alisa Machner
M. Sc. Hannes Eichler M.Sc. Joschua Gosslar M. Sc. Ema Krakovska B. Sc. Sofia Tsiotou M. Sc. Diana Zavaleta

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