Additive Manufacturing in Construction


Focus area A “Materials and Processes”

Focus area A “Materials and Processes” centres on the investigation of basic principles for the development from scratch of unique AMC processes for concrete, steel, and timber. As mentioned above, the innovation potential of the proposal is based primarily on the merging of material and process developments produced in interdisciplinary research teams.
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Based on the state of research and the results of preliminary research projects carried out by the applicants, two groups of additive manufacturing technologies are considered promising for implementation in construction: (1) particle-bed 3D printing techniques and (2) deposition 3D printing techniques.
Particle-bed 3D printing techniques include selective cement activation (SCA) (A01) and selective paste intrusion (SPI) (A02) for concrete, as well as selective laser melting (SLM) (A06) for steel and individual layer fabrication (A08) for timber. Among the deposition techniques, extrusion 3D printing (A03) and shotcrete 3D printing (SC3DP) (A04) for concrete, as well as wire and arc additive manufacturing (WAAM) (A07) for steel are considered.

Focus Area B “Computational Modelling and Control”

The experimentally driven investigations of focus area A ‘Materials and Processes‘ are enhanced by the corresponding projects of focus area B ‘Computational Modelling and Control’. All AM processes will be developed by taking into account assigned digital feedback obtained by computational modelling and process control.
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The aim of focus area B is the development of novel models and efficient discretisation schemes for numerical simulation of material–process interactions relevant to additive manufacturing processes in construction.
From the modelling point of view, the focus is on the rheological behaviour of concrete during extrusion (B02, B03) and on the thermo-mechanical behaviour of steel during selective laser melting (B01). On the computational side, a suite of discretisation procedures will be developed, including DEM, FEM, and Lattice Boltzmann methods. Additionally, the coupling of multiple discretisation techniques will be required due to the complexity of the described phenomena.
During the first funding period, primarily A projects A03, A04 and A07, for which sufficient information about the material behaviour is available from preliminary research, will be supported with modelling and simulations (B01-B03). In the course of the second funding period, the area of computational modelling will be expanded to all A projects. Furthermore, a special focus will be on process control and path planning for the robot-assisted AM techniques. Therefore, project B04 is tied to the robotic manufacturing methods of projects A04 and A05. Project B 05 is related to project A03. Kathrin Dörfler, freshly appointed professor for Digital Fabrication at TU Munich, will focus on the integration of mobile robots in the extrusion-based AM process of A03 by investigating the principles of mobile robotics for AM and the potential opportunities that these processes can bring to on-site construction.

Focus area C “Design and Construction”

Focus area C “Design and Construction” addresses the most important subjects related to the implementation of additive manufacturing in the process chain of design and construction. The interaction between digital models and physical objects forms the methodical relationship within TRR 277 and connects the focus areas A and C.
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This “digital/real relationship” will be addressed by physical demonstration objects with assigned digital twins (digital/real demonstrators).
This focus area provides feedback to the A projects by investigating novel design techniques and structural optimisation (C01, C02) as well as innovative assembling principles for additively manufactured structural elements (C05).
Project C 03 can be considered as a first attempt to integrate extended functions from the area of technical building equipment, building physics, and energy aspects. This research area will be expanded in the following funding periods.
Any information about building information modelling (BIM) will converge in project C04. The central research question of C04 is the investigation of the seamless digitalization in construction, and especially the clarification of the interface between planning and production. In project C04 the information from all the projects of focus area C meshes. In the second funding period, Christoph Herrmann (TUBS / IWF) will join the project to extend the BIM models with controlled material flow models in order to carry out ecological assessments.
The effects associated with the implementation of innovative AM processes in the construction industry will be addressed (C06). In this context, the feedback with respect to element configuration and dimensions of the additively manufactured large-scale structural elements, and the fact that constructions are always immovable, are of central importance. The questions of whether a higher degree of prefabrication due to AMC is a suitable goal or whether in-situ production will keep being of major importance in construction will be addressed in this project.
Finally, future job profiles for skilled workers as well as technical regulations in the area of AMC will be investigated in project C07. This is important for creating the prerequisites for this new technology to be accepted in the construction industry. AMC creates new job opportunities with significantly higher skill levels than traditional construction jobs. Moreover, for the application of additive manufacturing processes in construction practice, the development of adapted technical standards is of essential importance.

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Project C 02

Vertex Morphing Applications, SiemensNX PlugIn, Carbody, AeroSpace Shape Opt. Topology Optimization of a Wing Box 3D-Printed Optimized Tensegrity Node, Made of Aluminum and Manufactured using Laser Po…

Project leaders

Prof. Dr. Sc. Pierluigi D’Acunto Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Roland Wüchner


M. Sc. Philipp Jakobs M. Sc. Christiane Richter
Project C 03

Networking with other projects Poster TRR277_C03_Poster_01-DFG-Begutachtung (2)TRR277_C03_Poster_02-DFG-Begutachtung (2) Integration of Passive and Active Functions in Additively Manufactured Construc…

Project leaders

Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Auer


M. Sc. David Briels M. Sc. Ahmad Nouman
Project C 04

Networking with other projects Poster TRR277_C04_Poster_1-DFG-Begutachtung TRR277_C04_Poster_2-DFG-Begutachtung Integrating Digital Design and Additive Manufacturing through BIM-Based Decision Support…

Project leaders

Prof. Dr.-Ing. André Borrmann Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Petzold


M. Sc. Chao Li M. Sc. Martin Slepicka
Project C 05

Demonstrator Experimental Testing Specimens for compression strength analysis of dry joints Roughing and finishing tool along with the simulation of the C4 CNC process Evaluation of the 3D geometrical…

Project leaders

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Empelmann Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harald Kloft


Dr.-Ing. Abtin Baghdadi
Project C 06

Program Networking with other projects Poster TRR277_C06_Poster_1-DFG-Begutachtung TRR277_C06_Poster_2-DFG-Begutachtung Integration of Additive Manufacturing in the Construction Process The introducti…

Project leaders

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Gerke Prof. Dr. sc. ETH Zurich Dipl. Ing. M.A. AA Norman Hack Prof. Dr.-Ing. Patrick Schwerdtner


Dr.-Ing. Mehdi Maboudi M. Sc. Karam Mawas M. Sc. Gerrit Placzek M. Sc. Julian Tesche
Project C 07, Associated

Methods Networking with other projects Challenges of Additive Manufacturing – Technical Regulations and Qualification Requirements As a first step and according to the gap in theory, C07 considers a f…

Project leaders

Prof. Dr. phil. Daniel Pittich Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Winter


M. Sc. Birger Buschmann M. Ed. Tobias Ludwig M. Sc. Daniel Talke

Project C 09

Networking with other projects Poster TRR277_TPC09_230601_Poster FP2_Begutachtung_FINAL Environmental Life Cycle Assessment – Determination of Ecological Sustainability Potentials by AMC Additiv…

Project leaders

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Charlotte Thiel


M. Eng. Sophie Viktoria Albrecht
Öffentlichkeitsarbeit – Projekt Ö

Learning, Sustainability, Design: Gender-equitable introduction of AMC to the public TRR 277 AMC researches innovative additive manufacturing methods, materials, and optimized designs and processes to…

Project leaders

Prof. Dr. sc. ETH Kathrin Dörfler Prof. Dr. Anna Keune Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harald Kloft


M. A. Živa Simšič M. Ed. Daniela Villarreal Bermúdez

Project leaders

Dr. rer. nat. Christine Wolter


Dr. Silke Sturm
Overview Central tasks of the AMC

Central Tasks of the AMC Central Tasks (CT) is dealing with day-to-day-management of the TRR 277 AMC. The CT Office supports the spokesperson Harald Kloft and co-spokesperson Kathrin Dörfler in managi…

Project leaders

Prof. Dr. sc. ETH Kathrin Dörfler Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harald Kloft


B.Sc. Cecilia S. Ahumada Meike Bährens M.A. M. Sc. Gido Dielemans Dr.-Ing. Jeldrik Mainka Ms. Yonca Taube
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