Additive Manufacturing in Construction

Dr. rer. nat. Christine Wolter

Project leader
Current location: TU München

Universitätsbibliothek der TUM

is head of the Department of Research Data Services at the University Library of the Technical University of Munich. In the TRR, she guides the staff of the I – Information Infrastructure Project. She is responsible for developing and continuing the data strategy in close cooperation with the Board. The strategy focuses on communicating and collaborating with all sub-projects, finding FAIR solutions that support the TRR researchers and their data, and publishing data along with the research articles.


The service project Information Infrastructure serves and supports all information and data infrastructure aspects of the TRR 277 in close cooperation with the Leibniz-Supercomputing Centre (LRZ) and the University Library at the Technical University of Munich and the University Library Braunschweig.

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