Additive Manufacturing in Construction

AMC Project leader overview

Project leader

is the head of the Chair of Building Technology and Climate Responsive Design at TUM. As such, the core focus in teaching and research is a holistic design approach for buildings in consideration of sustainability and energy-efficiency. He guides scientific personnel within research projects on the application of simulation-software as planning instrument for the numerical calculation of thermal, lighting and flow specific processes. These insights with practical relevance can be made in the fields of thermal comfort, energy consumption and daylight supply. In research, the chair is conducting several projects with various sources of funding from public or private sector, on state, federal and European level.


Integration of Passive and Active Functions in Additively Manufactured Construction Elements

Project leader

acts as co-lead in project C04. He is responsible for leading and guiding WP2 and WP 3 and parts of WP 4. He is also responsible for coordinating the collaboration with other projects. He leads the doctoral researcher in the design and implementation of the virtual common research environment. He is responsible for the coordination of the projects in the TRR 277 and the coordination with the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ).


Integrating Digital Design and Additive Manufacturing through BIM-Based Decision Support and Digital Twin Methods

Project leader

Team Leader for Extrusion-Based Additive Manufacturing of Concrete at the TUM School of Engineering and Design


Extrusion of Near-Nozzle Mixed Concrete –Individually Graded in Density and in Rate of 3D Fibre Reinforcement

Project leader

has been working in the field of wood adhesives for many years. She gives guidance and support to the academic staff at WKI regarding the entire adhesive systems including adhesives, particles and pressing parameters.


Structural Timber by Individual Layer Fabrication (ILF)

Project leader

is TT-assistant Professor at the Professorship of Structural Design –Technical University of Munich. In his doctoral research the focus is on vector- based 3D graphic statics and design of spatial structures based on the relation between form and forces.


3D Structural Puzzle – Numerical Multi Scale Shape and Topology Optimisation Methods to Additively Manufacture Optimal Structures from Optimised Pieces

AMC Board
Project leader

leads the scientific staff in the conception and execution of the research, and in questions of validation of the proposed methods. She is also responsible for the coordination of the cooperating research projects in the TRR 277. She is the Co-Spokesperson of the TRR 277. Dörfler supports Kloft as contact person for the DFG, in general public relation matters and also in representing the TRR 277 externally. Internally, Dörfler assists Kloft in the coordination between the research projects, as well as in the decisions on the financing of research tasks in the TRR 277.


Earth Additive Manufacturing (EAM) – Material and Process Combinations for AM with Earth-based Materials

Principles of Mobile Robotics for Additive Manufacturing in Construction

Learning, Sustainability, Design: Gender-equitable introduction of AMC to the public

Central Tasks of the AMC

Project leader

advises the scientific staff in continuous consideration of the defined research objectives and investigates opportunities to generate novel research projects and publications. He is responsible for the content and organisational coordination of all work on the part of IWF.


Integrated Additive Manufacturing Processes for Reinforced Shotcrete 3D Printing (SC3DP) Elements with Precise Surface Quality

Project leader

instructs the research engineer at iBMB in the conceptual structure, execution and evaluation of the theoretical, experimental and numerical research work.


Jointing Principles for Combination of Concrete Elements Produced by Different Additive Manufacturing Processes

Project leader

Project leader in A03 and B02. He instructs and supports the academic staff regarding bulk conveying and machine design questions.


Extrusion of Near-Nozzle Mixed Concrete –Individually Graded in Density and in Rate of 3D Fibre Reinforcement

AMC Board
Project leader
Head of Gender Equality

Dean of TUM School of Engineering and Design, Head of cbm and leads project A02 and A03. He instructs and advises the academic staff regarding additive manufacturing and concrete technological questions. He is responsible for the coordination and quality control of all work of cbm. Untill Oct. 2021 he was the co-spokesperson of the TRR 277. He then became Dean of TUM School of Engineering and Design and handed over the tasks of Co-Speaker to Kathrin Dörfler.


Particle-Bed 3D Printing by Selective Cement Paste Intrusion (SPI) – Particle Surface Functionalisation, Particle Synthesis and Integration of WAAM Reinforcement

Extrusion of Near-Nozzle Mixed Concrete –Individually Graded in Density and in Rate of 3D Fibre Reinforcement

Project leader

He substantially contributes to model development and implementation related aspects of WPs 1-2 and will contribute to the analysis of simulation results with special focus on WP 5.


Modelling and Simulation of Shotcrete 3D Printing (SC3DP) Based on a Massively Parallel Multi-Phase, Multi-Component Coupled LBM-DEM Approach

Project leader

instructs the other doc. researcher in the fields of surveying, scanning and machine learning. A particular task will be the coordination of participants involved with this and other projects.


Integration of Additive Manufacturing in the Construction Process

AMC Board
Project leader

is supervising ITE`s requested doctoral researcher during all phases of the research. Additionally, he is actively involved in the conceptual phase, developing reinforcement concepts for the different AM methods.


Integration of Individualized Prefabricated Fibre Reinforcement in Additive Manufacturing with Concrete

Injection 3D Concrete Printing (I3DCP) – Material Efficient Lightweight Reinforced Concrete Structures Based on Spatially Complex Strut-and-Tie-Models

Integration of Additive Manufacturing in the Construction Process

Project leader

has been working on additive manufacturing in construction for many years. This work also includes additive manufacturing with wood. He leads the project A08 and provides general guidance and support for the academic staff at HBB. In addition, he is responsible for the coordination of the proposed project within the TRR 277. He was a member of the AMC Board for the first funding period 2020-2023.


Structural Timber by Individual Layer Fabrication (ILF)

Project leader

is Professor for Welding Engineering at Chemnitz University of Technology and takes responsibility for the management of this project in terms of content and organisation as well as the cooperation with project partners within the TRR 277. Furthermore, he supervises the research assistant of WG Hensel for welding experiments, metallographic characterisation, numerical analysis and residual stress determination.


Wire and Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) of Complex Individualized Steel Components

Project leader

leads the iAF scientific staff in the development and construction of the winding head, the manufacturing process of the reinforcement from FRP with different curing resins, and in questions of the damage of the FRP by the shotcreting process.


Integration of Individualized Prefabricated Fibre Reinforcement in Additive Manufacturing with Concrete

Project leader

is junior research group leader at the IWF. Together with Prof. Raatz, he is responsible for the proposed project and its coordination within the TRR 277. He guides the IWF-staff related to the project and decide about research actions in terms of numerical investigations and model reduction.


Process Control and Adaptive Path Planning for Additive Manufacturing Processes Based on Industrial Robots with an Extended Degree of Freedom

Project leader

is Professor at the Institute of Applied Mechanics (IAM) –Technical University of Braunschweig . In his habilitation the focus is on computational homogenization and reduced order modelling of diffusion processes in fluid-saturated porous media.


Material Modelling and Simulation of Deposition AM Processes on the Part Scale

Project leader

is Professor at the School of Social Science and Technology ( Department of Educational Sciences) –Technical University of Munich. In her research she focuses on Education and learning Sciences.


Learning, Sustainability, Design: Gender-equitable introduction of AMC to the public

AMC Board
Project leader

leads the scientific staff in the orientation and execution of the design process creation and supports them in an advisory capacity in the creation of test geometries and demonstrators. He is responsible for the content and organisational coordination of all work on the part of ITE. He instructs the research engineer at ITE in the conceptual structure, execution and evaluation of the theoretical and experimental research work. He is the spokesperson of the TRR 277.


Integrated Additive Manufacturing Processes for Reinforced Shotcrete 3D Printing (SC3DP) Elements with Precise Surface Quality

Wire and Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) of Complex Individualized Steel Components

Earth Additive Manufacturing (EAM) – Material and Process Combinations for AM with Earth-based Materials

Jointing Principles for Combination of Concrete Elements Produced by Different Additive Manufacturing Processes

Central Tasks of the AMC

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