Research Summary Report A06
Laser Powder-Bed Fusion (LPBF) of Steel Elements for Construction – Basics of Design and Mechanical Resilience.
Diller, Johannes; Doctoral researcher;,
Dorina Siebert, Doctoral researcher;
TU Munich, Chair of Metal Structures
Wenzler, David; Doctoral researcher;,
Kolb, Cara; Doctoral researcher;
TU Munich, Institute for Machine Tools and Industrial Management
The reproducibility of the mechanical properties of PBF-LB/M parts needs to be increased. This requires a more detailed understanding of the correlation between the process parameters and the mechanical and metallurgical properties of the manufactured parts. In project A06 a first step towards this goal has been taken:
With a thermography camera, the cooling rates during the fabrication of fatigue test specimens were measured. Two process parameter sets with different scanning speed and laser power were used for the manufacturing. Afterwards, strain-controlled fatigue testing was performed to investigate the plastic deformation behaviour resulting from the different processing conditions. The first results show significant correlations between the manufacturing conditions, cooling rates, and mechanical properties.
Currently, the thermography set-up is being optimised by a high-speed camera to increase the spatial and temporal resolution. In the next step, the process parameter space will be extended and comprehensive tensile and fatigue testing will be conducted.