Additive Manufacturing in Construction


is a doctoral researcher at TU Braunschweig. He is responsible for developing material model of concrete used in additive manufacturing. His doctoral research also focuses on simulating the additive manufacturing deposition process on a part scale. Moreover, he will frequently publish the achieved results within the community.


Material Modelling and Simulation of Deposition AM Processes on the Part Scale

is a postdoctoral researcher at the ITE. He is responsible for design strategies and possible applications. This includes the development of new structures, semi-finished parts and the concept for on-site WAAM as well as life cycle analysis and the creation of Digital Twins. He also prepares reports, presentations and publications.


Wire and Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) of Complex Individualized Steel Components

His task is to develop a DDSS at a early design phase integrating AM. The expected system needs to combine both hard rules (boundary conditions) and experts’s experience, in order to advise the designer (architect) for feasible AM methods regarding to different building components.


Integrating Digital Design and Additive Manufacturing through BIM-Based Decision Support and Digital Twin Methods

AMC Board
Project leader
Head of Family Friendliness
Head of early career

is head of the institute of building materials, concrete construction and fire protection, division of building materials. He will advise the scientific staff executing their work under consideration of the formulated project aims. He is responsible for the coordination and quality control of all work of iBMB.


Particle-Bed 3D Printing by Selective Cement Activation (SCA) – Sustainability, process enhancement and material models

Integrated Additive Manufacturing Processes for Reinforced Shotcrete 3D Printing (SC3DP) Elements with Precise Surface Quality

is a doctoral researcher at the Professorship of Technical Education at TUM School of Social Sciences and Technology. The focus of his work in C07 is on the competence and qualification requirements of the involved experts in order to have trained professionals for a later implementation of AMC. For this, the different processes must be analyzed in their entirety from the perspective of handling and problem-solving activities.


Challenges of Additive Manufacturing – Technical Regulations and Qualification Requirements

is an associate researcher at the IGP and will help with supervision of one of the doctoral researchers. His expertise in computer vision, scanning technologies and implementing deep learning methods will be used in this project.


Integration of Additive Manufacturing in the Construction Process

Project leader

is Professor at School of Engineering and Design, Department of Materials Engineering – Technical University of Munich. In her doctoral research the focus is on dolomite calcined clay composite cement.


Earth Additive Manufacturing (EAM) – Material and Process Combinations for AM with Earth-based Materials

Project leader

is Junior-Professor at the Institute of Civil Engineering, Department of Robotic Manufacturing of the Built Environment at Technische Universität Berlin. 


Injection 3D Concrete Printing (I3DCP) – Material Efficient Lightweight Reinforced Concrete Structures Based on Spatially Complex Strut-and-Tie-Models

General Manager / administrative coordinator. He is organizing the day-to-day management of the SFB TRR 277 AMC, supports the Speaker and Co- speaker such as the AMC Board in the coordination of the TRR 277. He is reporting to the AMC Board and is head of the AMC Business Office (AMC-Geschäftsstelle).

Doctoral researcher at IGP: The researcher Will Provide an inspection process chain utilizing new digital tools to perform the quality inspection of the as-built model of AMC products (mainly concrete) with its digital twin on the component level. Moreover, the next focus would be building scale monitoring of the construction site and establishing accurate coordinate systems to support the positioning during the project.


Integration of Additive Manufacturing in the Construction Process

is a doctoral researcher at the Institute for Machine Tools and Production Technology (IWF) at TU Braunschweig. He is working on the development of different end effectors for an automated concrete reinforcement. Additionally he is developing different nozzle geometries for the SC3DP process. Moreover, he will frequently publish the results achieved within the community.


Integrated Additive Manufacturing Processes for Reinforced Shotcrete 3D Printing (SC3DP) Elements with Precise Surface Quality

is a research associate in the work group of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Arno Kwade. He is responsible for the development of tailored particles for the SCA process.


Particle-Bed 3D Printing by Selective Cement Activation (SCA) – Sustainability, process enhancement and material models

is a post-doctoral researcher at the Institute of Applied Mechanics (TU Braunschweig). He is working in the intersection of Computational and Experimental Mechanics, dealing with, e.g., nonlinear, history-dependent materials as well as poromechanics.


Material Modelling and Simulation of Deposition AM Processes on the Part Scale

doctoral researcher at IS. He is responsible for the planning and execution of all scientific work, both numerical and experimental, in the framework of WAAM. This includes material and component testing, material modeling, analysis of all data, preparation of reports, presentations and publications.


Wire and Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) of Complex Individualized Steel Components

is a research associate at the Chair of Building Technology and Climate Responsive Design. The doctoral researcher focuses on decentralizing the active strategies to minimize energy consumption and improve thermal and visual comfort in built environments. He shares all responsibilities in the context of C03 essentially, modeling the simulations and designing experiments to develop additive manufacturing elements with integrated passive and active functionalities.


Integration of Passive and Active Functions in Additively Manufactured Construction Elements

is a doctoral researcher at the Institute for Machine Tools and Production Technology (IWF) at TU Braunschweig. She is specialized in robotic manufacturing processes, especially for additive manufacturing and supports the development for the processing of printed SC3DP elements within project A04.


Integrated Additive Manufacturing Processes for Reinforced Shotcrete 3D Printing (SC3DP) Elements with Precise Surface Quality

Oguz Oztoprak is a doctoral researcher at the Chair of Data Science in Civil Engineering at Bauhaus-University Weimar. He conducts research on geometric modelling and simulation of AM parts. More specificaly, he develops efficient and effective mechanical simulation workflows to integrate complex AM parts into building scale models.


Bridging Scales – From Geometric Part Details to Construction Elements

Project leader

acts as co-lead in this research project. He is responsible for leading and guiding WP1 and parts of WP 4. He is also responsible for coordinating the collaboration with other projects. He leads the doctoral researcher in the design and implementation of the research data management & publication platform. He is responsible for the coordination of the research projects in the TRR 277 and the coordination with the University Library of the Technical University of Munich.


Integrating Digital Design and Additive Manufacturing through BIM-Based Decision Support and Digital Twin Methods

Project leader

leads the research fellows according to the WP in th eprocesses of exploration ,identification and evaluation of AM in the context of technology, parameters and operational processes. On this basis, he supports the analysis and transformation of the data for specific Qualification Concepts as well as the development of the framework of aspects of qualification concepts in AM. In co-operation with PL Winter, he is responsible for the co-ordinating adaptation to the cooperating projects of TRR 277 (WP 1).


Challenges of Additive Manufacturing – Technical Regulations and Qualification Requirements

Doctoral researcher at IBB: The doc. researcher will perform a cross-sectional role and work closely with both the other doc. researchers in C06 and on all the other projects mentioned in order to investigate fundamental AM processes and their construction-operational parameters. He will extend the basic knowledge of AM processes through the analysis of AM produced components. Furthermore, he will develop methods for data management and exchange as well as an AM process chain to address fundamental issues of the integration of AM in construction.


Integration of Additive Manufacturing in the Construction Process

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