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Press release
A New Era for Sustainable Construction
AMC Enters Second Funding Phase The collaborative project “Additive Manufacturing in Construction” (AMC), explores new perspectives for the construction industry. Research on 3D printing in construction at the Technical University of Braunschweig and the Technical University of Munich receives four more years of funding from the German Research Foundation (DFG). 3D printing methods for building with clay and flood protection Challenges in Traditional Construction: Conventional construction processes are characterized by inefficient material usage, high environmental impact, and stagnant productivity. …
Research Highlights of the 1st funding period (2020-2023)
Take a look at all the highlights of the TRR 277 AMC projects. The videos show the project and their achievements of the entire first four years at a glance. In short presentations you will learn about the main findings, collaborations and gain an overview of the publications and the people behind the projects. This overview was produced at the last AMC Conference in October 2023. The AMC Conference focused on the future of construction with 3D printing technologies. Researchers …
Code.Craft.Construct. Navigating the Digital Transformation in Architecture and Construction
Inaugural lecture by Prof. Dr. Norman Hack Code.Craft.Construct. Navigating the Digital Transformation in Architecture and Construction Wednesday, 8. November 2023, 5.00 pm | Pockelsstr. 11, TU Braunschweig, Aula, Haus der Wissenschaft As of today, the computer and the digitally controlled machine have a 70-year history in the architectural discourse. Over the years, the fields of application and the potentials of the computer in architecture have been constantly reinterpreted and implemented, whereby the natural sciences, philosophy and art have always had …
Build with the 3D printer: Stephan Weil visits TU Braunschweig
Buildings are part of our cultural development. New technologies are now needed to make construction more environmentally friendly, faster and more economical. Scientists at the AMC Collaborative Research Centre see additive manufacturing, or 3D printing, as a key digital technology for the construction of the future. On 23 October, the scientists showed Lower Saxony’s Minister President Stephan Weil how they are conducting fundamental research into 3D printing together. “Research from Lower Saxony is a real driver of innovation, as I …
Digital Construction – Conference with visionaries for the construction of the future
Instead of brick on brick built by hand, layer by layer 3D printed with a robot. This is what the future of building could look like. The first buildings in Germany are already standing, and the largest printed building in Europe was recently completed in Heidelberg. At the Technical University of Braunschweig and the Technical University of Munich, scientists of TRR 277 AMC are researching new 3D printing processes to make the construction of the future more resource-efficient, lower-emission and …
The Collaborative Research Center TRR 277 pioneers the Future of Construction with 3D Printing
The Collaborative Research Center TRR 277 AMC is excited to announce its upcoming event, the First Funding Period Closing Conference, scheduled to take place from October 9th to 11th, 2023. The conference, held at TU Braunschweig’s Audimax, showcases the remarkable research outcomes from the initial four years of the DFG-funded Transregio project, featuring a keynote speech by Achim Menges. TRR 277 AMC’s research is centered around the future of Digital Building, emphasizing resource-efficient and energy-efficient construction methods enabled by 3D …
AMC Conference 9./10./11. October 2023
Join us now! AMC Conference with a Keynote by Achim Menges Start: 1:30 PM (10th Ocotber 2023) With the following access data you can join the web broadcast: Zoom Meeting Meeting-ID: 867 6300 5356 Kenncode: TRR277-AMC Meeting-ID: 867 6300 5356 Kenncode: TRR277-AMC You can also download the detailed programme from our website: The Collaborative Research Center TRR 277 AMC is excited to announce its upcoming event, the First Funding Period Closing Conference, taking place on October 9th – …
AMC präsentiert Forschungsergebnisse / AMC presents research results
Sonderforschungsbereich AMC präsentiert Forschungsergebnisse Bei strahlendem Sonnenschein fand letzte Woche die Begutachtung des Sonderforschungsbereichs Transregio 277 Additive Manufacturing in Construction (AMC) im Forschungszentrum München/Garching statt. Mit großer Freude präsentierten wir unsere „Collaborative Demonstrators“ und stellten die Ergebnisse unserer intensiven Forschungen aus der ersten Förderperiode vor. Unser herzlicher Dank geht an die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) für die Förderung und die Unterstützung. Ebenso möchten wir unseren aufrichtigen Dank an das gesamte AMC-Team mit seinen Wissenschaftler*innen, Techniker*innen, Mitarbeiter*innen sowie Hilfskräften und natürlich auch …
LABDay at the Collaborative Research Centre AMC
LABDay at the Collaborative Research Centre AMC What possibilities does 3D printing offer for architecture and for the entire construction industry? What can this new technology do and how can it be used creatively? The AMC LABDay was initiated to get to the bottom of these questions with school students. In this one-day workshop, pupils learn details about the digital fabrication process from design to production. The special feature: the school students can digitally design an object themselves and this …
Zukunftstag beim AMC
Der dfg-geförderte Sonderforschungsbereich Additive Manufacturing in Construction blickt auf einen erfolgreichen Zukunftstag 2023 zurück. Wir haben Schülerinnen eingeladen, um sich über die Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen des 3D-Drucks im Bauwesen zu informieren und ihnen eine praktische Einführung in diese Technologie zu geben. Es war ein aufregender Tag, an dem die Schülerinnen nicht nur die Grundlagen des 3D-Drucks kennenlernten, sondern auch unsere fortschrittlichen 3D-Drucker in Aktion erleben konnten. Wie wird Digitalisierung und 3D-Druck im Bauwesen eingesetzt? Wie gestaltet man in einem digitalen …