Networking of the Research Projects
Networking within the AMC / TRR 277
The methodological interaction of the three focus areas is facilitated through digital-physical interfaces between them.
The goal is to gain insights into the unity of material, process, and material-appropriate design and construction by exchanging digital models and physical objects.
While Focus Area C shares its findings with Focus Area A through large-scale 1:1 demonstrators, the interface between Areas A and B is used to determine input parameters for modeling in Area B. These parameters are derived from parameter studies conducted on small-scale test specimens in Area A.
Collaborative Demonstrators
Validation of Methodological Integration and Interdisciplinary Networking in AMC
The goal is to test, compare, and evaluate the key characteristics of individual AMC processes—such as resolution and granularity, mechanical properties, load-bearing capacity, structural performance, geometric freedom, and overall applicability in building and infrastructure applications. The Collaborative Demonstrators are designed not only to make research outcomes tangible but also to provide conceptual perspectives, drive future AMC research, and inspire new developments.
(As illustrated by A04 and A05, the conception and implementation of the Collaborative Demonstrators within AMC involved the synthesis of research approaches with design concepts: the integration of planning, modeling, and optimization with AMC processes, the simulation and refinement of manufacturing processes, and the realization of full-scale 1:1 prototypes.)