Gender Equality and family friendlyness
1. Targeted recruitment of female early career researchers
For Doctoral and Postdoctoral researchers
- Particular focus placed on selecting a high number of highly qualified female researchers
- Minimum twelve female doctoral researchers and three female postdoctoral researchers or junior professors are assumed for the TRR 277
2. Start-up research funds for present female early career researchers
For postdoctoral researchers
- Suitable female early career researchers within TRR 277 will be provided with targeted support on their way of becoming applicants in the 2nd funding period
- Funds available in the third and fourth years of the 1st funding period to allow female researchers to work at suitable leading international institutions for up to three months
3. Bridging research fellowships for designated female early career researchers
For doctoral researchers
- Research fellowships of three to six months will be offered in the fourth year to permit the researchers to collaborate in TRR 277 (work on specific and carry out preliminary research) even before the start of funding periods two and three
4. Master’s project fellowships for female Master’s students
For student researchers
- Female student applicants are employed as student researchers in TRR 277 in order to cover the high cost of living in Germany during their master theses.
- This will allow to recruit these graduates for the upcoming second funding period of TRR 277 in the third year
5. Qualification for female early career researchers
For doctoral researchers
- Female early career researchers of TRR 277 will be given the opportunity to gain further subject-specific qualifications to be prepared for roles with team-management responsibilities
6. Invitation of highly qualified international female visiting researchers
For Postdoctoral researchers and Professors
- High visibility and “female role models” are important factors in attracting future early career researchers for positions in research and teaching
- Proactively recruit female research allows to successfully integrate them in research connected to the TRR 277 projects
- Funding of a total of two research and teaching fellowships of up to six months duration is requested through the ‘Mercator-Fellow’ module (50% female)
7. Additional family-friendly policies
For doctoral and postdoctoral researchers
- Flexible childcare options will be offered during official events of the proposed TRR 277 project, as well as during work meetings, summer school and conference visits of the researchers
- Funding will be made available for measures such as parent–child offices or home working stations, including any required insurance.
8. Diversity monitoring and promotion
All researchers
- anonymous survey to gather information on the diversity characteristics and intersectionality of the staff to evaluate TRR 277 possible fields of action for promoting and supporting a diverse and inclusive research network.
TRR 277 considers the individual promotion of its employees with regard to Gender Equality, Family Friendliness and Early Career as a serious task. In order to achieve this task, TRR 277 is intensively engaged in programs and activities in this area and combines two approaches:
1st: TRR 277 advises its staff on how they can make the best use of the various existing institutional supportprogrammes and activities of TU Braunschweig and TU Munich on Gender Equality, Family Friendliness and Early Career.
2nd: The TRR 277 has 14 Additional AMC Activities for the individual promotion of its employees with regard to Gender Equality, Family Friendliness and Early Career. These 14 Additional AMC Activities financed by TRR 277 are specifically tailored to the needs of TRR 277 and complement the institutional programs of TU Braunschweig and TU Munich.
Responsible AMC TRR277 members
leads the scientific staff in the conception and execution of the research, and in questions of validation of the proposed methods. She is also responsible for the coordination of the cooperating research projects in the TRR 277. She is the Co-Spokesperson of the TRR 277. Dörfler supports Kloft as contact person for the DFG, in general public relation matters and also in representing the TRR 277 externally. Internally, Dörfler assists Kloft in the coordination between the research projects, as well as in the decisions on the financing of research tasks in the TRR 277.
TT-Professorship Digital Fabrication
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dirk Lowke is head of the Professorship of Binder Jetting Technology. He will advise the scientific staff executing their work under consideration of the formulated project aims. He is responsible for the coordination and quality control of all work of Professorship of Binder Jetting Technology.
Professorship of Binder Jetting Technology