Faszination Forschung: TUM Research Highlights
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Digitale Transformation auf der Baustelle
3D printing is changing the construction sector. Digital, resource-saving, fast and, above all, new freedom in shaping and design are key advantages of additive manufacturing. AMC TRR 277 scientists Kathrin Dörfler and Christoph Gehlen talk about it in the latest issue of Faszination Forschung, TUM.
You can read the article under the following link: (page 36 ff.)
Braunschweig/München, March, 29th 2023
Meike Bährens M.A.
PR & Kommunikations Koordinatorin / PR & Communication Coordinator
Tel.: +49 531 391-3579 | Mobil: +49 171 389 5358
E-Mail: m.baehrens@tu-braunschweig.de | www.amc-trr277.de
About the AMC:
The Collaborative Research Center Transregio TRR 277 Additive Manufacturing in Construction (AMC) aims to fundamentally research additive manufacturing (3D printing) as a novel digital manufacturing technology for construction. In the interdisciplinary, cross-location research project, the two universities TU Braunschweig and TU Munich, pursue the novel manufacturing approach for the construction industry. Additive manufacturing can develop into a key technology for the digitalization of the construction industry. Complex research questions on materials, process engineering, control, modeling, design and construction are being investigated holistically by scientists from the fields of civil and mechanical engineering.