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AMC Conference 9./10./11. October 2023
Join us now! AMC Conference with a Keynote by Achim Menges Start: 1:30 PM (10th Ocotber 2023) With the following access data you can join the web broadcast: Zoom Meeting Meeting-ID: 867 6300 5356 Kenncode: TRR277-AMC Meeting-ID: 867 6300 5356 Kenncode: TRR277-AMC You can also download the detailed programme from our website: The Collaborative Research Center TRR 277 AMC is excited to announce its upcoming event, the First Funding Period Closing Conference, taking place on October 9th – …
AMC goes fair trade
The DFG-funded Collaborative Research Centre TRR 277 Additive Manufacturing in Construction (AMC) will present its innovative research with a stand and will be represented by Prof. Dr. Dirk Lowke with a presentation at BAU 2023, the leading trade fair for the construction industry. From Monday, 17th April to Saturday, 22nd April, the world’s leading trade fair BAU 2023 will open its doors and the AMC will be there. With its own stand in the “Innovation hub” Hall B0, the AMC …
AMC Highlights 2022
The Collaborative Research Centre TRR 277 Additive Manufacturing in Construction (AMC) looks back on an eventful and successful year. Intensive scientific exchange, innovative research approaches, new research infrastructure and many awards for outstanding research: in 2022, the AMC had it all, and so it can continue. Some AMC Highlights had a special focus on the next generation in civil engineering and architecture. For example, the AMC was part of the nationwide Digitaltag 2022 and Girlsday, getting young people excited about …
Girlspower at the AMC Lab in Achering
#Girlspower at the AMC Lab -german version below- #Girlspower at the AMC Lab in Achering, TU München. Schoolgirls recently conducted research as part of the program “TUM Entdeckerinnen: MINT experience at university” themselves on 3D printing in construction. Next to several other helpers our colleague Maximilian Dahlenburg supervised the girls due to his sub-project “Extrusion of jet-mixed concrete – individually graded in bulk density and 3D fiber reinforcement” as part of the collaborative research project AMC – TRR 277 “Additive …
Additive Fertigung im Bauwesen verankert sich in der Lehre
Additive Fertigung im Bauwesen verankert sich in der Lehre – praktische Anwendungsfälle im Masterkurs Studierende des Bauingenieurwesens an der TUM hatten im Sommersemester 2022 die Gelegenheit, sich mit der additiven Fertigung im Bauwesen zu beschäftigen. Unter der Leitung von Klaudius Henke, Bettina Saile, Daniel Talke und Birger Buschmann, vom Lehrstuhl für Holzbau und Baukonstruktion an der TUM ging es im Master-Kurs „Einführung in die additive Fertigung im Bauwesen“ zentral um das Thema „Additiv gefertigte Brücken“. Nachdem sich die Studierenden mit …
AMC-Scientists awarded with two international prizes for outstanding research
At this year’s Digital Concrete (DC 2022) in Loughborough, the leading international conference for digital fabrication with concrete, scientists from the Collaborative Research Center TRR 277 Additive Manufacturing in Construction (AMC) were honored with two awards. Dr. Inka Mai, M.Sc Friedrich Herding and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dirk Lowke from the iBMB at TU Braunschweig won the Best Paper Award for their evaluation of the use of methyl cellulose for selective cement activation. Their paper entitled “Evaluating the Effect of Methyl Cellulose …
Digitaltag 2022
Digitaltag 2022 Der AMC hat beim diesjährigen, bundesweiten Digitaltag teilgenommen. Unter dem Motto „fun with technology -Exkursion zum Beton 3D-Druck“ konnten Schüler:innen Forschung und technologische Weiterentwicklung des 3D-Drucks miterleben. Was ist mit einem 3D-Drucker alles möglich? Was sind die Vorteile? Was sind die Herausforderungen des digitalen Bauens? Und was gibt es für vollkommen neue, digitale Berufsfelder, die durch den 3D-Druck entstehen? Die Schüler:innen erhielten Einblick in die innovativer Forschung, für ein zukunftfähiges Bauwesen. Mehr Informationen zum Digitaltag 2022 finden Sie …
Ministerbesuch beim Digital Building Fabrication Laboratory
Der niedersächsische Minister für Umwelt, Energie, Bauen und Klimaschutz Olaf Lies und die Braunschweiger Landtagsabgeordnete Anette Schütze informierten sich im Zuge der ersten Sommerreise des Ministers über grundlegende wissenschaftliche Forschungsvorhaben an der TU Braunschweig. Eine Station des Ministers war das Digital Building Fabrication Laboratory (DBFL) des Instituts für Tragwerksentwurf. Dort nutzten Lies und Schütze die Gelegenheit, Einblicke in die Forschung der additiven Fertigung, dem 3D-Druck im Bauwesen zu erhalten und den Sonderforschungsbereich TRR 277 Additive Manufacturing in Construction (AMC) kennenzulernen. …
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harald Kloft Lecture on the topic: Building the future
The lecture series of the Academy Lectures in the Castle will take a look at the past, present and future of technological developments and their exciting relationship to processes of change in society: Technological Change and Society,” in 2022 will use thematic spotlights to take a look at the past, present and future of technological developments and their exciting relationship to processes of change in society. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harald Kloft, Institute for Structural Design at the TU Braunschweig, will speak …
AMC Tour First Take – Munich in February
In mid-February, the AMC office had the chance to meet with some of the subprojects based at the TU Munich. Anne Niemann, Jeldrik Mainka and Meike Bährens took the opportunity, away from a formal conference and the time constraints of other meetings, to take a closer look at various projects from Focus Area A and subproject B05 from Focus Area B and to engage in scientific dialogue with the researchers. The office would like to thank all participants for the …
Category: Events