Associated Scientists
Associated scientists and research groups whose scientific profile is closely related to the AMC and its projects. Associates are invited to participate in all AMC events and are supported by the AMC in the realization of their own projects. Proposals and invitations can be formulated by any AMC scientist to the AMC Executive Director. The spokespersons finally decide on an association.

is the head of the chair of structur alanalysis. He is responsible for all actions, in particular regarding research, education and administration. He was esponsible for the C02 project and its coordination within the TRR. He guided all staff in that context and decided about research actions.
Chair of Structural Analysis, Department of Civil, Geo and Environmental Engineering

Torben Gädt is professor at the Chemistry Department at TU Munich. He holds the chair for the Chemistry of Construction Materials. The research of his group is focused on admixture driven concrete design with a special focus on the rheology and hydration kinetics of inorganic binder phases. He will support the work of the TRR 277 as an expert in rheology-control of mineral construction materials with admixtures.
Lehrstuhl für Bauchemie

Elyas Ghafoori is a professor of “Steel, Composite and Lightweight Construction” and director of Institute for Steel Construction and Test Centre Supporting Structures at Leibniz University Hannover. He and his group are active in the area of metal additive manufacturing, in particular on wire and arc additive manufacturing (WAAM). Current research topics include: structural integrity & fatigue of WAAM, WAAM for repair/strengthening, hybrid manufacturing, WAAM simulation and WAAM for bionic designs.

has been working on additive manufacturing in construction for many years. This work also includes additive manufacturing with wood. He leads the project A08 and provides general guidance and support for the academic staff at HBB. In addition, he is responsible for the coordination of the proposed project within the TRR 277. He was a member of the AMC Board for the first funding period 2020-2023.
Chair of Timber Structures and Building Construction

Dr. Vittoria Laghi is a post-doc researcher in Structural Design at University of Bologna, Italy. Her expertise lies in metal additive manufacturing (AM) solutions for structural applications, with specific focus on Wire-and-Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM). Dr. Laghi has contributed as guest researcher since 2021 in TP A07 for the design of new optimized solutions for construction. In particular, she visited TU Braunschweig as guest researcher for several month at the end of 2021, during which she worked on innovative diagrid solutions for pillars realized with WAAM dot-by-dot printing strategy. Both design and fabrication activities were carried out at ITE and DBFL. Additional studies were carried out on possible combination of WAAM dot-by-dot with shotcrete 3D printing (SC3DP) through a collaboration between AMC projects A07 and A04. From this, the FloWall concept was developed and presented in various competitions, winning important awards such as the Special Mention by Autodesk at 3D Pioneers Challenge 2022 and the Iconic award for its disruptive concept. The research outcomes of this collaborations were also presented in a publication accepted in MDPI Buildings journal. Dr. Laghi’s activities as guest researcher continued also in 2022, during which she supervised the research activities of A07 for the structural design part. She is supposed to become Project Leader in funding phase 2 within A07. Dr. Laghis’ cooperation within the AMC also contributes in exchanging activities between the German and Italian universities, by bringing Italian Master’s students at TU Braunschweig to pursue part of their Master’s Thesis abroad within the AMC program. So far, two Master’s students from University of Bologna (Lidiana Arrè and Edoardo Benvenuti) have participated in the exchange program to pursue their Master’s Thesis at TU Braunschweig under the co-supervision of Dr. Laghi and Prof. Dr. Kloft.
Institute of Structural Design (ITE)
Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental, and Materials Engineering, ALMA MATER STUDIORUM – Università di Bologna

was head of the Chair for Computation in Engineering of TUM. Since his retirement in March 2020 he has been member of the Emeriti of Excellence of the university. As such, he guides researchers in the areas of geometric modelling and develops simulation methods of high accuracy. He has actively carried out research in this area himself for decades. In this research project, he is responsible for the bridging of scales as well as the development of simulations regarding mineral based artefacts. He intends to continue his research in TR277 at least for the whole first funding period.
Chair for Computation in Engineering

Henning Wessels completed his PhD on thermo-mechanical modeling of powder bed fusion processes at Leibniz University Hannover (LUH) in 2019. During his Ph.D. he spent six months at the University of California, Berkeley. After a Postdoc at LUH, he has been appointed Assistant Professor for data-driven modeling and simulation of mechanical systems at the Technical University of Braunschweig in May 2021. His research aims to improve and augment physics-based numerical models from the field of computational mechanics using machine learning techniques. In the AMC, Henning Wessels is collaborating with Jonas Hensel and Stefan Kollmannsberger on data-driven approaches that help to decipher the process-structure-property (PSP) interaction inherent to additive manufacturing processes.
Institute for computational modeling in civil engineering