Additive Manufacturing in Construction

Associated Industry Partners

Associated industry partners support the AMC in order to accelerate the transfer into application. In this way, the bridge between pure basic research and industry is to be further expanded. Along associated industry partners the technological value chain is bundled and a high relevance in practice is generated. Proposals for the association of industrial partners can be formulated by any AMC scientist to the AMC Executive Director. The speakers finally decide on an association.


Associated Industry Partner

MC Bauchemie supports the TRR 277 A04 project by supplying Material for the Shotcrete 3D Printing process. The special Material is used for most of the experiments to validate the SC3DP process and expand the knowledge on process parameters and the integration of reinforcement. In the future the option of developing a special SC3DP material together with MC Bauchemie will be explored.

Associated Industry Partner

Peikko Deutschland GmbH supports the TRR277 with its know-how and special production possibilities of connection and reinforcement systems. Particularly sub-project A04 deals with these topics and the integration of different components in the Shotcrete 3D printing process.

Mariah Weidner B. Eng. Technischer Vertrieb Nord