Ass. Prof. Dr. Mariana Popescu AMC-MERCATOR-FELLOW
Civil Engineering and Geosciences, TU Delft
Mercator Fellow at the AMC
AMC-Mercator-Fellow Ass. Prof. Dr. Mariana Popescu, TU Delft and within architectural design, her area of expertise is computational and parametric design with a focus on digital fabrication and sustainable design. Her extensive involvement research projects related to promoting sustainability has led to a multilateral development of skills, which combine the fields of architecture, engineering, computational design, and digital fabrication. More specifically, her research is centred around digitally fabricated stay-in-place formwork systems for complex concrete geometries using 3D-knitting techniques. Her interest in additive manufacturing technologies, structural efficiency, and fabrication with material effectiveness is closely related the research of TRR 277 Additive Manufacturing in Construction (AMC). In 2022, Mariana Popescu was appointed as AMC-Mercator-Fellow by the TRR 277 AMC in honor of her contribution to the AMC.