Finance Manager of TRR 277
Publications from B.Sc. Cecilia S. Ahumada
Is a doctoral researcher at the faculty of civil engineering at the OTH Regensburg. She is responsible for the environmental Life Cycle Assessment of additive manufacturing techniques in construction. Furthermore, the researcher will establish a database for the environmental footprint of additive manufactured materials as well as methods, components and structures using AMC.
Environmental Life Cycle Assessment – Determination of Ecological Sustainability Potentials by AMC
Publications from M. Eng. Sophie Viktoria Albrecht
2025 | S.V Albrecht, S. Hellerbrand, F. Weininger, C. Thiel: Strategies for Minimizing Environmental Impact in Construction: A Case Study of a Cementitious 3D Printed Lost Formwork for a Staircase, Materials, 2025, 18, 825,
Her focus centers on the exploration of innovative fiber reinforcement strategies, reflecting her role as a dedicated doctoral researcher.
Integration of Individualized Prefabricated Fibre Reinforcement in Additive Manufacturing with Concrete
Publications from MAS ETH, M.Sc. Architecture Fatemeh Amiri
is research associate at Fraunhofer Institute for Wood Research – Wilhelm-Klauditz-Institut WKI. In his doctoral research the focus is on the material development for additive manufacturing with wood.
All publications from M. Sc. Carsten AßhoffPublications from M. Sc. Carsten Aßhoff
2022 | Aßhoff, C.; Bunzel, F.; Buschmann, B.; Henke, K.; Talke, D.; Saile, B.: Additive Fertigung von Bauteilen aus Holz. In: Holz-Zentralblatt 2022, 33, 557
2021 | Aßhoff, C.; Bunzel, F.; Buschmann, B.; Henke, K.; Talke, D.; Saile, B.: Individual Layer Fabrication (ILF) – Additive Fertigung durch selektives Binden von Holzspänen zu Einzelschichten. In: Holztechnologie 2021, 62, 5
2021 | Buschmann, B.; Henke, K.; Talke, D.; Saile, B.; Asshoff, C.; Bunzel, F.: Additive Manufacturing of Wood Composite Panels for Individual Layer Fabrication (ILF). In: Polymers – Special Issue “3D Printing in Wood Science”, 13, 3423, 2021. DOI:
is the head of the Chair of Building Technology and Climate Responsive Design at TUM. As such, the core focus in teaching and research is a holistic design approach for buildings in consideration of sustainability and energy-efficiency. He guides scientific personnel within research projects on the application of simulation-software as planning instrument for the numerical calculation of thermal, lighting and flow specific processes. These insights with practical relevance can be made in the fields of thermal comfort, energy consumption and daylight supply. In research, the chair is conducting several projects with various sources of funding from public or private sector, on state, federal and European level.
Integration of Passive and Active Functions in Additively Manufactured Construction Elements
All publications from Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Thomas AuerPublications from Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Auer
2023 | D. Briels, M. Renz, A. Nouman, T. Auer: Parametric heat flux simulations for the insulation concept of the AM facade demonstrator “Building with Blocks“, TUM: Munich, 2023,
2023 | D. Briels, M. Renz, A. Nouman, T. Auer: Heat flux simulations for the insulation concept of the AM facade demonstrator “Breuer X AM”, Dataset, TUM: Munich, 2023,
2023 | D. Briels, M. Renz, A. Nouman, T. Auer: Heat flux simulations for the AM facade demonstrator “Marriage of two Materials”, Dataset, TUM: Munich, 2023,
2023 | D. Briels, M. Renz, A. Nouman, T. Auer: Heat flux simulations for the AM facade demonstrator “Breuer X AM”, Dataset, TUM: Munich, 2023,
2023 | D. Briels, M. Renz, A. Nouman, A. Straßer, M. Hechtl, M. Dahlenburg, B. Knychalla, P. Sonnleitner, F. Herding, J. Fleckenstein, E. Krakovská, K. Dörfler, T. Auer: Monolithic AM Façade: Multi-Objective Parametric Design Optimization of Additively Manufactured Insulating Wall Elements. In: Frontiers in Built Environment ., vol. 9, 2023 doi: 10.3389/fbuil.2023.1286933
is a research associate at Institute of Structural Design (ITE) of TU Braunschweig. He is responsible for experimental, theoretical and numerical research work as well as for the coordination of the cooperations within the SFB.
Integrated Additive Manufacturing Processes for Reinforced Shotcrete 3D Printing (SC3DP) Elements with Precise Surface Quality
Jointing Principles for Combination of Concrete Elements Produced by Different Additive Manufacturing Processes
All publications from Dr.-Ing. Abtin BaghdadiPublications from Dr.-Ing. Abtin Baghdadi
2024 |J. Fleckenstein, B. Knychalla, D. Briels, A. Baghdadi, G. Placzek, F. Herding, P. Schwerdtner, T. Auer, D. Lowke, H. Kloft, K. Dörfler, P. Ayres, M. R. Thomsen, B. Sheil, M. Skavara: BREUER X AM: Functional hybridisation in concrete building envelope elements through additive manufacturing, Fabricate 2024: Creating Resourceful Futures, UCL Press, 2024, 196–205,
2023 | R. Dörrie, N. Freund, E. Herrmann, A. Baghdadi, I., Mai, F. Galli, M. David, K. Dröder, D. Lowke, H. Kloft: Automated force-flow-oriented reinforcement integration for Shotcrete 3D Printing. In: Automation in Construction, 155, p.105075,
2022 | Lanwer, J.-P.; Weigel, H.; Baghdadi, A.; Empelmann, M.; Kloft, H.: Jointing Principles in AMC—Part 1: Design and Preparation of Dry Joints. In: Applied Sciences, 2022, 12, 4138
2021 | Baghdadi, A.; Doerrie, R.; Kloft, H.: New calculation approach for selecting and orienting the reinforcing material for robotic concrete manufacturing. In: Proceedings of the IASS Annual Symposium 2020/21 and the 7th International Conference on Spatial Structures Inspiring the Next Generation. 23 – 27 August, Guilford, UK, 2021.
2021 | Baghdadi, A.; Meshkini, A.; Kloft, H.: Parametric design of in-plane concrete dry joints by FE method and Fuzzy logic toward utilising additive manufacturing technique. In: Proceedings of the IASS Annual Symposium 2020/21 and the 7th International Conference on Spatial Structures Inspiring the Next Generation. 23 – 27 August, Guilford, UK, 2021.
2021 | Baghdadi, A.; Meshkini, A.; Kloft, H.: Inspiration of Interlocking Wooden Puzzles for Precast Concrete Construction Conceptual Design of Structures. In: International fib Symposium, September 16-18, Switzerland, 2021.
2020 | Baghdadi, A.; Heristchian, M.; Ledderose, L.; Kloft, H.: Experimental and numerical assessment of new precast concrete connections under bending loads. In: Engineering Structures 212, ELSEVIER, 2020. – DOI:
Siegfried Baehr is head of the department Additive Manufacturing at the iwb and assists Prof. Zaeh in leading the projects A02 and A06. He is instructing and supporting the academic staff regarding LPBF and WAAM.
Particle-Bed 3D Printing by Selective Cement Paste Intrusion (SPI) – Particle Surface Functionalisation, Particle Synthesis and Integration of WAAM Reinforcement
Laser Powder-Bed Fusion (LPBF) of Steel Elements for Construction – Basics of Design and Mechanical Resilience.
Publications from M. Sc. Siegfried Bähr
2024 | D. L. Wenzler, D. Rauner, H. Panzer, T. Mair, L. Kutscherauer, A. Wimmer, D. Wolf, S. Baehr, M. F. Zaeh: reAM250 — An open-source research platform for process monitoring and control in Powder Bed Fusion of Metals using a laser beam, Procedia of 13th CIRP Conference on Photonic Technologies, 2024,
2023 | K. Tischner, S. Rappl, F. Riegger, A. Strasser, K. Osterminski, T. Kraenkel, S. Baehr, M.F. Zaeh, C. Gehlen: Bond Behavior of WAAM Reinforcements in Comparison to Conventional Steel Reinforcements. In: Constr. Mater. 2023, 3, 217–232.
PR & Communication Coordinator. She is in charge of the public relations and communication of the SFB TRR 277 AMC and presents the AMC to a broad interested public. She is part of the AMC office.
Publications from Meike Bährens M.A.
is a doctoral researcher: Conducts scientific studies for the duration of the research project. Performs mechanical testing, fatigue testing, fracture mechanics testing, metallurgical analysis, and investigates the influence of geometry on structural performance. Analyzes all data and prepares reports, presentations, and publications.
Laser Powder-Bed Fusion (LPBF) of Steel Elements for Construction – Basics of Design and Mechanical Resilience.
All publications from M. Sc. Jakob BlankenhagenPublications from M. Sc. Jakob Blankenhagen
2025 | J. Blankenhagen, J. Diller, D.Siebert, P. Hegele, C. Radlbeck, M. Mensinger: Material Characterization of (CN) Austenitic Stainless Steel Manufactured by Laser Powder Bed Fusion+, Metals 15, no. 2: 134,
2024 | J. Diller, L. Siebert, M. Winkler, D. Siebert, J. Blankenhagen, D. Wenzler, C. Radlbeck, M. Mensinger: An integrated approach for detecting and classifying pores and surface topology for fatigue assessment 316L manufactured by powder bed fusion of metals using a laser beam using CT and machine learning algorithms, Fatigue Fract Eng Mater Struct., 2024, 1-16,
2024 | J. Diller, J. Blankenhagen, D. Siebert, C. Radlbeck, M. Mensinger: Combined effect of surface treatment and heat treatment on the fatigue properties of AISI 316L, manufactured by powder bed fusion of metals using a laser (PBF-LB/M), International Journal of Fatigue, Volume 178, 2024, 108025, ISSN 0142-1123,
is a research assistant at the Technical University of Munich in the group of Prof. Dr. Lowke. Together with Jennifer Rudolph, he will lead and organise the material development and testing programme as well as the data analysis and material modelling within the Lowke group. David Böhler will focus on investigating the durability of 3D printed concrete.
Integrated Additive Manufacturing Processes for Reinforced Shotcrete 3D Printing (SC3DP) Elements with Precise Surface Quality
All publications from M. Sc. David BöhlerPublications from M. Sc. David Böhler
2024 |D. Böhler, I. Mai, D. Lowke: Durability of 3D Printed Concrete: A Comparison of Extrusion 3D Printing, Shotcrete 3D Printing and Conventional Casting, Fourth RILEM International Conference on Concrete and Digital Fabrication Munich, RILEM Bookseries, vol 53, Springer, 2024,
2023 |D. Böhler, N. Freund, I. Mai, D. Lowke: Shotcrete 3D printing – effect of material‐process interaction on the global and local material density, ce/papers, 2023, 6, 770–776,
2023 | N. Freund, M. David, D. Böhler, I. Mai, S. Ullmann, K. Dröder, D. Lowke: Shotcrete 3D Printing – Interaction of nozzle geometry, homogeneity and hardened concrete properties. In: International Conference on Building Materials (ibausil) 2023
2023 | D. Böhler, N. Freund, I. Mai, D. Lowke, D: Shotcrete 3D Printing – Effect of material-process interaction on the global and local material density. In: International Conference on Building Materials (ibausil) 2023
2022 | Lachmayer, L.; Böhler, D.; Freund, N.; Mai, I.; Lowke, D.; Raatz, A.: Modelling the influence of material and process parameters on shotcrete 3D printing strands – cross-section adjustment for automatic robotic manufacturing. Automation in Construction, Volume 145,
2022 | Böhler, D., Mai, I., Freund, N., Lachmayer, L., Raatz, A., Lowke, D.: Influence of Material and Process Parameters on Hardened State Properties of Shotcrete 3D-Printed Elements. In: Buswell, R., Blanco, A., Cavalaro, S., Kinnell, P. (eds) Third RILEM International Conference on Concrete and Digital Fabrication. DC 2022. RILEM Bookseries, vol 37. Springer, Cham.
acts as co-lead in project C04. He is responsible for leading and guiding WP2 and WP 3 and parts of WP 4. He is also responsible for coordinating the collaboration with other projects. He leads the doctoral researcher in the design and implementation of the virtual common research environment. He is responsible for the coordination of the projects in the TRR 277 and the coordination with the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ).
Integrating Digital Design and Additive Manufacturing through BIM-Based Decision Support and Digital Twin Methods
All publications from Prof. Dr.-Ing. André BorrmannPublications from Prof. Dr.-Ing. André Borrmann
2024 | M. Slepicka, A. Borrmann: Fabrication information modeling for closed-loop design and quality improvement in additive manufacturing for construction, Automation in Construction, Volume 168, 105792
2024 |S. Espinosa, M. Slepicka, A. Borrmann: Integration of laser profiler feedback into FIM for additive manufacturing in construction, ISARC. Proceedings of the 41st International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction, IAARC Publications, Volume 41, 89–96
2023 | M. Slepicka, J. Helou, A. Borrmann: RTDE robot control integration for Fabrication Information Modeling. In: Proceedings of the 40th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC), 102–109. (2023)
2023 | R. Mohiuddin, M. Cruz Policroniades, M. Slepicka, A. Borrmann: Optical Process Control for extrusion-based Additive Manufacturing methods. In: construction. Proceedings of the 40th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC), 94–101. (2023)
2023 | Oztoprak, O.; Slepicka, M.; Aninger, A.L.; Kollmannsberger, S.; Rank, E.; Borrmann, A.: Linking Fabrication Information Modeling and Finite Cell Method for simulating the behavior of additively manufactured building components. In: EG-ICE Conference, 2023.
2022 | A. Borrmann, J. Schlenger, R. Sacks: AEC Digital Twin Data – Why structure matters, International Conference on Computing. In: Civil & Building Engineering, Cape Town, (2022)
2022 | J. Abualdenien, A. Borrmann: Levels of detail, development, definition, and information need: a critical literature review. In: ITcon Vol. 27, (2022) Special issue The Eastman Symposium, pg. 363-392,
2022 | M. Slepicka, K. Mawas, A. Borrmann, M. Maboudi, M. Gerke: Digital Twinning in Additive Manufacturing – Closing the Digital-Physical-Digital Loop by Automated Integration of Captured Geometric Data into Fabrication Information Models Advances in Information Technology in Civil and Building Engineering. ICCCBE 2022. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 357. Springer, Cham
2022 | M. Slepicka, S. Vilgertshofer, A. Borrmann: Fabrication information modeling: interfacing building information modeling with digital fabrication. In: Construction Robotics (2022) volume 6, pages 87–99, doi: 10.1007/s41693-022-00075-2
2021 |Slepicka, M.; Vilgertshofer, S.; Borrmann, A.: Fabrication Information Modeling: Closing the gap between Building Information Modeling and Digital Fabrication, In: Proceedings of the 38th ISARC, Dubai, UAE, 2021, P. 9-16, DOI:
2021 | Borrmann, A.; Bruckmann, T.; Dörfler, K.; Hartmann, T.; Smarsly, K.: Towards realizing the information backbone of robotized construction – Computational methods and cyber-physical architectures for collaborative robotic fleets. In: Proc. of the CIB W78 Conference, 2021.
2021 | L. Kolbeck, S. Vilgertshofer, J. Abualdenien, A. Borrmann: Graph Rewriting Techniques in Engineering Design. In: Frontiers in Built Environment (7), (2021) 815153, doi: 10.3389/fbuil.2021.815153
Team Leader for Extrusion-Based Additive Manufacturing of Concrete at the TUM School of Engineering and Design
Extrusion of Near-Nozzle Mixed Concrete –Individually Graded in Density and in Rate of 3D Fibre Reinforcement
All publications from PhD M.Sc. Freek BosPublications from PhD M.Sc. Freek Bos
is a doctoral researcher and research associate at the Chair of Building Technology and Climate Responsive Design at TUM. Under the lead of Prof. Thomas Auer he conducts the research activities within C03. In particular he is developing a building simulation framework for a performance-based parametric design process, integrating passive and active functions in AM construction elements.
Integration of Passive and Active Functions in Additively Manufactured Construction Elements
All publications from M. Sc. David BrielsPublications from M. Sc. David Briels
2024 |J. Fleckenstein, B. Knychalla, D. Briels, A. Baghdadi, G. Placzek, F. Herding, P. Schwerdtner, T. Auer, D. Lowke, H. Kloft, K. Dörfler, P. Ayres, M. R. Thomsen, B. Sheil, M. Skavara: BREUER X AM: Functional hybridisation in concrete building envelope elements through additive manufacturing, Fabricate 2024: Creating Resourceful Futures, UCL Press, 2024, 196–205,
2023 | F. Herding, A. Strasser, D. Briels, D. Lowke, T. Kränkel: Experimental results for mechanical and thermal properties of SCA material, Dataset, TUM: Munich, 2023,
2023 | A. Strasser, D. Briels, T. Kränkel, P. Sonnleitner, C. Wiesner, B. Knychalla: Thermal conductivity assessment of SCA material with lightweight expanded glass aggregate, Dataset, TUM: Munich, 2023,
2023 | D. Briels, M. Renz, A. Nouman, T. Auer: Parametric heat flux simulations for the insulation concept of the AM facade demonstrator “Building with Blocks“, TUM: Munich, 2023,
2023 | D. Briels, M. Renz, A. Nouman, T. Auer: Heat flux simulations for the insulation concept of the AM facade demonstrator “Breuer X AM”, Dataset, TUM: Munich, 2023,
2023 | D. Briels, M. Renz, A. Nouman, T. Auer: Heat flux simulations for the AM facade demonstrator “Marriage of two Materials”, Dataset, TUM: Munich, 2023,
2023 | D. Briels, M. Renz, A. Nouman, T. Auer: Heat flux simulations for the AM facade demonstrator “Breuer X AM”, Dataset, TUM: Munich, 2023,
2023 | D. Briels, M. Renz, A. Nouman, A. Straßer, M. Hechtl, M. Dahlenburg, B. Knychalla, P. Sonnleitner, F. Herding, J. Fleckenstein, E. Krakovská, K. Dörfler, T. Auer: Monolithic AM Façade: Multi-Objective Parametric Design Optimization of Additively Manufactured Insulating Wall Elements. In: Frontiers in Built Environment ., vol. 9, 2023 doi: 10.3389/fbuil.2023.1286933
2022 | Briels, D.; Kollmannsberger, S.; Leithner, F.; Matthäus, C.; Nouman, A.S.; Oztoprak, O.; Rank, E.: Thermal Optimization of Additively Manufactured Lightweight Concrete Wall Elements with Internal Cellular Structure through Simulations and Measurements. In: Buildings 2022, 12, 1023,
2021 | Dielemans, G., Briels, D., Jaugstetter, F., Henke, K., Dörfler, K.: Additive Manufacturing of Thermally Enhanced Lightweight Concrete Wall Elements with Closed Cellular Structures. In: Journal of Facade Design & Engineering, 9(1), 59–72. – DOI:
has been working in the field of wood adhesives for many years. She gives guidance and support to the academic staff at WKI regarding the entire adhesive systems including adhesives, particles and pressing parameters.
All publications from Dr. rer. nat. Frauke BunzelPublications from Dr. rer. nat. Frauke Bunzel
2022 | Aßhoff, C.; Bunzel, F.; Buschmann, B.; Henke, K.; Talke, D.; Saile, B.: Additive Fertigung von Bauteilen aus Holz. In: Holz-Zentralblatt 2022, 33, 557
2021 | Aßhoff, C.; Bunzel, F.; Buschmann, B.; Henke, K.; Talke, D.; Saile, B.: Individual Layer Fabrication (ILF) – Additive Fertigung durch selektives Binden von Holzspänen zu Einzelschichten. In: Holztechnologie 2021, 62, 5
2021 | Buschmann, B.; Henke, K.; Talke, D.; Saile, B.; Asshoff, C.; Bunzel, F.: Additive Manufacturing of Wood Composite Panels for Individual Layer Fabrication (ILF). In: Polymers – Special Issue “3D Printing in Wood Science”, 13, 3423, 2021. DOI:
2021 | Henke, K.; Talke, D.; Bunzel, F.; et al.: Individual layer fabrication (ILF): a novel approach to additive manufacturing by the use of wood. Eur. J. Wood Prod. – DOI:
is a mechanical engineer and doctoral researcher at TUM-HBB. For the project A08 he will work out the details of the fabrication process and is responsible for the topic of automatization. In C07 his responsibilities include the development of data acquisition concepts in order to identify relevant process parameters as well as the evaluation of generated data in order to form concepts for regulation and quality assessment.
Structural Timber by Individual Layer Fabrication (ILF)
Challenges of Additive Manufacturing – Technical Regulations and Qualification Requirements
All publications from M. Sc. Birger BuschmannPublications from M. Sc. Birger Buschmann
2022 | Aßhoff, C.; Bunzel, F.; Buschmann, B.; Henke, K.; Talke, D.; Saile, B.: Additive Fertigung von Bauteilen aus Holz. In: Holz-Zentralblatt 2022, 33, 557
2021 | Aßhoff, C.; Bunzel, F.; Buschmann, B.; Henke, K.; Talke, D.; Saile, B.: Individual Layer Fabrication (ILF) – Additive Fertigung durch selektives Binden von Holzspänen zu Einzelschichten. In: Holztechnologie 2021, 62, 5
2021 | Buschmann, B.; Henke, K.; Talke, D.; Saile, B.; Asshoff, C.; Bunzel, F.: Additive Manufacturing of Wood Composite Panels for Individual Layer Fabrication (ILF). In: Polymers – Special Issue “3D Printing in Wood Science”, 13, 3423, 2021. DOI:
2021 | Henke, K.; Talke, D.; Buschmann, B.: Use of Wood in Additive Manufacturing in Construction. In: Proceedings of the 17th Rapid.Tech 3D Conference, Erfurt, Germany, 22 -23 June 2021, M. Kynast, Ed., München: Hanser, Carl, 2021, pp. 177–187.
Frederic Chovghi is a doctoral researcher at the Professorship of Structural Design at the Technical University of Munich (TUM). His primary research focuses on the development of fabrication-aware form-finding methods for extrusion 3D printing.
3D Structural Puzzle – Numerical Multi Scale Shape and Topology Optimisation Methods to Additively Manufacture Optimal Structures from Optimised Pieces
All publications from M. A. Frederic ChovghiPublications from M. A. Frederic Chovghi
is a research associate at TUM School of Engineering and Design. He works on structural analysis of functional graded concrete produced by near-nozzle mixing system in A03 and is responsible for evaluating the properties of graded concrete by means of experiments and modelling.
Extrusion of Near-Nozzle Mixed Concrete –Individually Graded in Density and in Rate of 3D Fibre Reinforcement
All publications from M. Sc. Shengbo ChengPublications from M. Sc. Shengbo Cheng
is a doctoral researcher at the Chair of Data Science in Civil Engineering at Bauhaus-University Weimar. He conducts research on geometric modelling and simulation of additively manufactured (AM) parts, focusing on developing efficient and effective mechanical simulation workflows for evaluating the performance of as-built AM components. His work aims to advance the field of AM by enhancing the reliability of production processes.
All publications from M. Sc. Matti ChristmannPublications from M. Sc. Matti Christmann
is TT-assistant Professor at the Professorship of Structural Design –Technical University of Munich. In his doctoral research the focus is on vector- based 3D graphic statics and design of spatial structures based on the relation between form and forces.
3D Structural Puzzle – Numerical Multi Scale Shape and Topology Optimisation Methods to Additively Manufacture Optimal Structures from Optimised Pieces
Publications from Prof. Dr. Sc. Pierluigi D’Acunto
2023 | O. Oztoprak, A. Paolini, P. D’Acunto, E. Rank, S. Kollmannsberger: Two-scale analysis of spaceframes with complex additive manufactured nodes. In: Engineering Structures, vol. 289, p. 116283, Aug. 2023,
doi: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2023.116283
is an expert in mechanical engineering, specialized in development, CAD-Design and construction of complex machines at the Chair of Materials Handling, Material Flow, Logistics within TUM. He is responsible for design, construction, automation, simulation and optimization of the near-nozzle continuous mixing system developed in A03. Furthermore he is responsible for the material supply and the material discharge system within this project.
Extrusion of Near-Nozzle Mixed Concrete –Individually Graded in Density and in Rate of 3D Fibre Reinforcement
All publications from M. Sc. Maximilian DahlenburgPublications from M. Sc. Maximilian Dahlenburg
2023 | D. Briels, M. Renz, A. Nouman, A. Straßer, M. Hechtl, M. Dahlenburg, B. Knychalla, P. Sonnleitner, F. Herding, J. Fleckenstein, E. Krakovská, K. Dörfler, T. Auer: Monolithic AM Façade: Multi-Objective Parametric Design Optimization of Additively Manufactured Insulating Wall Elements. In: Frontiers in Built Environment ., vol. 9, 2023 doi: 10.3389/fbuil.2023.1286933
2021 | Tan, Y.; Dahlenburg, M.; Kessler, S.; Fottner, J.: Virtual Prototyping mit DEM zur Entwicklung eines Near-Nozzle-Mixing Verfahrens für den additiven 3D Betondruck für den Roboter Einsatz. In: 25. Fachtagung Schüttgutfördertechnik. OVGU Magdeburg, 2021.